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What is Overtime Pay?
Overtime pay refers to additional compensation (derived from employment) to employees who work beyond a certain amount of hours within a given workweek or timeframe. Non-exempt employers in Massachusetts are required to adhere to not only federal regulations, but also the state’s overtime laws.
Massachusetts overtime laws define how much overtime must be provided to employees who are entitled additional pay. Massachusetts overtime laws apply to employees who work beyond 40 hours in a given work week. Non-exempt employees—according to MA overtime laws-- are entitled to overtime pay of 1.5 times their average hourly rate. According to Massachusetts overtime laws, this increased wage rate must be given to an employee for every worked over 40 in a single workweek.
According to Massachusetts minimum wage of $8.00 per hour, the minimum amount any Massachusetts employee should—according to MA overtime laws--receive as overtime pay is $12.00 per hour.
Some employees, based on MA overtime laws-- are exempt from overtime pay. Because of these exemptions, some employees may be asked to work beyond 40 hours a week without receiving the 1.5 times pay that is customary with MA overtime law. The majority of these exempt positions—as declared by MA overtime laws-- are specified in federal overtime law. For instance, the bulk of white collar jobs are exempt according to both MA overtime law and federal law. In addition, Massachusetts overtime laws create their own unique section of exempt overtime employers.
Massachusetts overtime laws establish a specific overtime minimum for topped employees at 1.5 times the applicable minimum wage. Several occupations are exempt from MA overtime law, including salespeople, fishermen, apprentices, seasonal employees, nonprofit school employees, seamen, farm workers and motel, garage, hospital, retirement home and summer camp workers. In general, a Massachusetts overtime law declares that any employee already exempt from the state’s minimum wage laws will not be eligible for overtime payment.
If you are eligible to receive payments under Massachusetts overtime laws, you should utilize a Massachusetts overtime calculator. This resource, which is an essential aspect of MA overtime law, is a tool that helps you calculate your weekly overtime pay. To use the calculator, enter your normal hourly wage and the weekly number of hours you worked for the given work week. When this information is entered, the calculator will provide you with your overtime pay.
Massachusetts Overtime Laws: Unpaid Overtime in Massachusetts
If your employer fails to pay you overtime for which you are entitled to, there are several steps you can take to ensure that you are compensated for your extra hours worked. Before contacting your employer, you should ensure that your occupation is not exempt based on federal or Massachusetts overtime law. Once you affirm your eligibility, you should ask your employer why you were not compensated for your overtime.
If you are sure that you are due overtime pay and you have failed to reach an agreement with your employer, you must contact the Massachusetts Department of Labor. The department of labor will provide you with an unpaid overtime claim form. (also available at their website)
You may contact the Massachusetts Department of Labor office at:
1 Ashburton Place
Boston, MA 02108
Tel. 617-626-7100