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What are Idaho Overtime Laws?
Idaho Overtime laws dictate payment scales for hourly employees who work more than 40 hours in a typical work week. The majority of Idaho’s hourly employees are entitled to these special overtime pay rates for all worked over a total of 20 in a single work weed. According to Idaho Overtime laws, a single work week is defined as any seven consecutive work days as declared by the United States Fair Labor Standards Act.
While a number of states in the U.S. implement their own daily overtime limit to entitle employees who more than a certain number of hours in a single workday to be paid overtime, Idaho does not institute a daily overtime limit.
Based on Idaho Overtime laws, the state’s minimum wage is $10.88 per hour; this is one and a half times the regular Idaho minimum wage of $7.25. According to Idaho Overtime laws, if you earn more than the state’s minimum wage rate, you will be entitled to at least 1.5 times your regularly hourly wage for all hours worked beyond 40.
Am I Eligible for Increased Pay According to Idaho Overtime Law?
Eligibility—according to Idaho Overtime Law—is mostly up to the Federal Labor Standards Act; this legislation automatically qualifies certain types of employees who meet ID overtime law pay requirements for guaranteed overtime for hours worked over 40 in a single week. Generally, according to ID overtime law, if your work involves manual labor (factory attendant, cashier, construction worker etc.), you will be protected under Idaho overtime laws. Moreover, all first-responders, including firefighters, paramedics and police officers are specifically offered—under Idaho Overtime laws—protection.
Paralegals and practical nurses are also specifically protected by Idaho Overtime laws. These professionals typically endure long hours of work. And as such are susceptible to exploitation without proper protection from ID overtime laws.
Who is Exempt from ID Overtime Law?
ID overtime laws place many exemptions on employees; when exempt, the individual worker—according to Idaho overtime law—will be prohibited from collecting increased wages for hours worked in excess. ID Overtime laws are designed to prevent employees from exploitation. Hourly wage earners in Idaho (particularly those employees in blue-collar industries) are the primarily protected group according to Idaho overtime law.
Because of the nature of some work environments and because different working hours are placed on different careers, there are a number of specific exemptions to ID overtime law. Of an estimated 120 million workers in the United States, roughly 50 million are deemed exempt from overtime law.
Some examples of jobs exempt from Idaho overtime law include:
• Administrators, executives and other professionals earning at least $455 per week are not allowed to paid overtime according to ID overtime law and Section 13 of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
• External salespeople (typically work according to their own schedule) are exempt from ID overtime laws, as are some types of computer-related workers.
• Based on Idaho overtime law, independent contractors, who are not deemed legal employees, are also exempt from Idaho Overtime laws.
• Other common exemptions to ID overtime laws include certain agricultural and farm workers, transportation workers and the majority of live-in workers such as housekeepers.
If you wish to evaluate whether your job is exempt from Idaho Overtime laws, the United States Federal Labor Standards Act offers a series of tests to determine your eligibility. The predominant factors used to determine eligibility are: working conditions, pay rate and skill level.
There are four general exemption categories to Idaho Overtime laws: executive, professional, outside sales and administrative. If your job fits into one of these categories (described in detail below) then you will not be protected by Idaho Overtime laws and federal overtime regulations.
Professional overtime Exemptions According to Idaho Overtime law:
Your work will be classified as Professional if your primary responsibilities require extensive education and an advanced knowledge of a specific subject field. Professionals—according to Idaho Overtime laws—include skilled computer professionals and teachers. Additionally, to fall under this exemption of ID overtime law, your position must be salaried, predominantly intellectual and you must be expected to execute proper discretion and judgment. Moreover, you must also spend no more than 20% of your time with activities that are not related to the aforementioned duties to be classified as a professional under ID overtime laws.
Administrative Overtime Exemptions According to Idaho Overtime Laws:
Your job will be classified as an Administrative position under Idaho Overtime laws if your primary job function is non-manual in nature and related to business operations, administrative training and/or management policies. Your role must be salaried to fulfill the requirements imposed by Idaho Overtime laws. Moreover, to fall under this exemption of ID overtime laws, you must spend no more than 20% of your time partaking in activities that do not fall in the aforementioned categories.
Outside Sales Overtime Exemptions According to ID Overtime Laws:
Your job will be classified as an Outside Sales position if your primary duties are taking orders or making sales outside of your employer’s primary workplace. You may be paid either through a commission structure or a base salary, but—based on Idaho overtime law—you must spend no more than 20% of your time doing work unrelated to selling.
Executive Overtime Exemptions According to Idaho Overtime Law:
Your position will be classified as Executive in nature if your full-time responsibilities include you managing two or more employees. To be ruled as exempt under ID overtime law, you must spend no more than 20% of your time performing other functions. Moreover, to be ruled ineligible under Idaho overtime law, your job should be a salaried position.
What happens if I am Eligible for Overtime, but my Employer Refuses to pay me?
If your work, according to Idaho overtime law, is protected, your employer is required to pay you an overtime premium for all overtime hours worked. If your employer owes you pay for overtime, an Idaho Department of Labor office will work with you to ensure you receive fair pay for all hours worked. If you believe your employer—based on Idaho Overtime law—owes you pay, you should file an overtime claim with the state’s Department of Labor. To do this, please visit their website.