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There are a number of federal protections for employees across the country, though the state government is tasked with some obligations related to the enforcement and application of Arizona employee rights. AZ employee rights consist of a set of rights that protect the wages of employees as well as protect them from discrimination.
Termination laws and AZ employee rights
AZ employee rights state that an employee in the private sector can be terminated in most cases, without prior notice, for any reason. The only exceptions are when the termination is in violation of a written contract, on the grounds of discrimination, or is protected by law from retaliation for actions such as reporting illegal activity. The state generally does not become involved in Arizona employee rights matters unless a complaint is filed for wrongful termination.
Arizona employee right to whistleblower protections
There are a number of AZ employee rights that protect whistleblowers, as well as federal protections, depending on the information and nature of the industry or business. As long as an employee has been terminated for reporting on an illegal act, they will have reasonable grounds to sue for wrongful termination, according to Arizona employee rights. an Arizona employee rights attorney can assist with that litigation filing. All complaints based on Arizona employee rights need to be filed within a year of termination.
Arizona employee right to privacy at work
Arizona employee rights do not give full privacy at work. This means that the employer has the right and ability to search company property provided to the employee, including computer systems. Employers also have the right to monitor usage and voicemail systems as necessary. Personal property will be subject to normal privacy laws.
Arizona employee right to equal pay
AZ employee rights as well as federal rights dictate that employers have the right to be paid equally when there is no difference in ability, function and seniority. Factors such as race, age, gender, national origin and religion will have no effect on the right to equal pay.
Arizona employee right to work
Under Arizona employee rights, an employee cannot be compelled or pressured to join a union. Employment cannot be conditional on union membership. Those that are force to join a union, pay union fees or have any association with the organization have the right to file suit or file complaints with state authorities.
Drug testing and AZ employee rights
Any private employers, as well as school districts are allowed to use drug testing for job related purposes, but there is the Arizona employee right to the testing policy being made known to employees, prospective and otherwise, in writing, as part of the employee agreement. The costs of the testing need not be paid by the employer for prospective employees, but this cost must be covered for current employees. The actions taken for failing a drug test are at the discretion of the employer and they may mandate rehabilitation or terminate the employee, as per the provisions of the employment agreement and AZ employee rights. any violation of the Arizona employee right can be taken to civil court by an Arizona employee right attorney who will represent fired workers and seek back pay as well as restoration of status and benefits.